20. August 2009, 12:39
From today, the release 2.6.0 is available for download on our download page.
If you haven’t read about 2.6 before, have a look into our previous article Whats new in 2.6?. At a glance, the version has some nice frontend improvements, it is faster and uses less memory, it is easier to use and it contains less restrictions. Read the release notes in this article for a complete list of all improvements and fixes.
And version 2.6 contains a free administrator license for each new or existing customer. This also means, you will no longer need to request an evaluation license if you want to download and test instantOLAP. Just download the software, install it and start using the it without any time limit.
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10. Juni 2009, 16:18
Today we released our next version of instantOLAP, including the first beta version our new ODBO / XML/A / MDX connector which opens the world of other OLAP clients to instantOLAP servers. With the new connector, you can query the instantOLAP server with Microsoft Excel or any other reporting client that supports the Microsoft ODBO standard or the webservice-based XML/A protocol.

The beta version of the connector will be available for free as a part of the following releases unless it reaches the production standard in version 2.6.
You can download the new release 2.5.3 from our download page. Beside the connector, it contains a small number of bug fixes and performance-improvements.
Continue reading ‘Release 2.5.3: Connect Excel and other ODBO / XML/A clients with instantOLAP’ »